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Our Work

How We’re Achieving our Goals

RECLAIM HEALTHCARE WNC’s North Star is accessible, affordable, high quality health care across the system for all residents in WNC. We are prepared for a sustained campaign. In order to reach our goals, we are: 

“The nurses at Mission are not fooled by the paltry efforts HCA has done to remove the hospital from immediate jeopardy, but I promise the nurses at Mission will not stop fighting for this community. We will NOT lie down. We will not be bullied. We will continue to advocate for the health and well-being of the people.” — Molly Senker, Nurse at Mission Health

Holding HCA accountable for their harmful practices.

We are collecting and reporting patient and provider stories about lack of staffing, resources, and poor quality care to regulators. Those stories have helped form the basis for enforcement actions by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the NC Department of Health and Human Services, as well as the NC Attorney General’s on-going lawsuit against HCA. We are continuously exploring all legal, regulatory and legislative options available to our coalition.

Organizing medical providers to advocate for better healthcare.

We are organizing doctors and nurses to call for better health care for Western North Carolina. More than 250 physicians have signed our open letter to the Independent Monitor calling for them to hold HCA accountable for their culture of valuing profit over people. You can read the physician letter at the link below.

Building a broader movement for better care in WNC.

We are continuing to strengthen our coalition and growing network of community advisors. We are working with business leaders, clergy, elected officials, former Mission Health leaders, and local residents to put additional pressure on HCA and to advocate on behalf of our communities. We build and support our communities’ resolve to effect the change we seek, and we support efforts to bring competition and choice to our community

Informing the public and raising awareness of HCA’s harmful practices.

We represent the concerns and voices of individuals and organizations in our communities. We work with local and national media to accurately report on the issues. We inform the public through forums, press conferences, digital media, and outreach to local and national media outlets.