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Defining the Problem

Why Reclaim Healthcare WNC was created

HCA reports that Mission Hospital has the second highest net patient revenue of HCA’s over 180 hospitals nationwide. In 2024, HCA is experiencing record breaking corporate profits, including stock share prices, which are at an all time high. At what cost to our region?

Photo credit: Asheville Watchdog

Degradation of Services

  • More than 200 physicians and 600 nurses have left Mission Hospital.

  • Practices including Family Medicine, Oncology, ENT, Urology, and Neurology have left or have been closed.

  • Services including chaplaincy, pharmacy, rehab, sterile processing, and environmental services have seen reductions and/or departures.

  • With these reductions and departures, Mission Hospital has lost invaluable experience, wisdom, and knowledge.

  • There has been a reduction in the ratio of full-time staff per patient bed from 6.1 FTE to 3.7 FTE at Mission Hospital. The average in North Carolina is 5.1 FTE.

  • There has been a reduction in the ratio of full-time staff per patient bed from 6.1 FTE to 3.7 FTE at Mission Hospital. The average in North Carolina is 5.1 FTE.

  • Persistent under-staffing and working conditions have compelled Mission nurses to unionize.

  • A culture of disrespect and intimidation at Mission Hospital has led to fear of retribution among staff.

Photo credit: Asheville Watchdog

Poor Working Environment

  • There have been dramatic drops in patient and family satisfaction ratings.

Patient Dissatisfaction

Monopolistic Pricing

  • The cost of care at Mission Hospital is one of the highest in North Carolina.

  • Mission Hospital has been repeatedly investigated by North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for concerns related to patient safety and quality of care.

  • In 2023, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) found 9 incidents, including 4 deaths, in which there were risks of significant harm to patients resulting in the status of Immediate Jeopardy.

  • In 2023, Mission Hospital was cited for a violation of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA),
    the federal law that requires medical screening for anyone seeking treatment in the Emergency Department.

  • HCA is currently being sued by the NC Attorney General for breach of the Asset Purchase Agreement (APA), which defines conditions of the 2019 sale.

Violations & Legal Cases

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  • Make a contribution HERE.

    Your donation is tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor Health Equity Coalition of WNC.

  • reclaimhealthcarewnc@gmail.com

    PO BOX 116
    Asheville, NC 28802