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Get involved with

We recognize that this is an ambitious campaign. WNC is our home. We can and must secure a hospital that meets the needs of our entire community and region.

We are using a range of strategies, and pulling all the levers of power that are available to us, to replace HCA with a better, non-profit owner that can meet the needs of the people of Western North Carolina. 

Together, we can restore best-in-class healthcare to our community.

Read the letters below outlining our
concerns about HCA’s mismanagement

We hope you will join us and add your name to the respective letter which best represents how you identify.

  • Individuals

    Read the WNC resident letter, outlining concerns about HCA’s mismanagement of Mission Health.

  • Physicians

    Read the physician letter to the Independent Monitor, outlining concerns about HCA’s mismanagament of Mission Health.

  • Clergy Members

    Read the op-ed signed by local clergy and faith community leaders, outlining concerns about HCA’s mismanagement of Mission Health.

  • Business Leaders

    Read the letter from WNC business leaders outlining concerns about HCA’s mismanagement of Mission Health.

  • Current & Former Elected Officials

    Read the letter from elected officials, outlining concerns about HCA’s mismanagement of Mission Health.

  • Organizations

    Add the name of your organization as a partner in the work of RECLAIM HEALTHCARE WNC.

  • Former Mission Leadership

    Read the letter from former Mission Leadership members outlining concerns over HCA's mismanagement of Mission Health.

  • Pre-Sale Board / Foundation

    Read the letter from pre-sale board and foundation members outlining concerns about HCA's mismanagement of Mission Health.

Stay informed

Sign up for the RECLAIM HEALTHCARE WNC mailing list to receive updates about our work.

Help us spread the word.

  • Make a contribution HERE.

    Your donation is tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor Health Equity Coalition of WNC.

  • reclaimhealthcarewnc@gmail.com

    PO BOX 116
    Asheville, NC 28802