Brevard mayor backs grassroots effort Reclaim Healthcare WNC

July 25, 2024

Brevard Mayor Maureen Copelof

The following article appeared in the Transylvania Times on July 25th, 2024

Brevard Mayor Maureen Copelof is putting her support behind a volunteer-led grassroots coalition of medical professionals, business leaders and public officials called Reclaim Healthcare WNC that wants to replace Healthcare Corporation of America, the owner of Mission Hospital in Asheville and Transylvania Regional Hospital in Brevard, with a nonprofit owner more committed to meeting health care needs in the region.

Wednesday N.C. State Senator Julie Mayfield announced the coalition’s goals and its intention to use advocacy and engagement with state and federal regulators to exert public and legislative pressure for changes in regional health care.

“We are giving voice to the people of this region who are disappointed and angry at the degradation in the quality of the care being provided in the Mission System and particularly at Mission Hospital,” Mayfield said in a news release. “We are also a voice for the physicians, nurses and staff who work at or with Mission who are not able to speak out due to the culture of fear and retaliation that HCA has created.”

Reclaim Healthcare WNC’s stated goals are:

  • Replacing HCA with a non-profit owner committed to meet the healthcare needs of western North Carolina residents.

  • Holding HCA accountable for its harmful practices.

  • Restoring best-in-class care throughout the system.

In 2012 Transylvania Regional Hospital became a full member of Mission Health when the Nashville-based hospital conglomerate HCA Healthcare acquired the local hospital as part of its $1.9 billion purchase of the Mission Health system.

In March 2021 at least 15 health providers in Transylvania County either refused to sign new contracts with HCA/Mission Health or were terminated from their positions with several going to work at Pardee Hospital or AdventHealth in Henderson County. In June 2022 the city of Brevard filed a class-action lawsuit in federal court alleging HCA Healthcare, Mission Hospital and their related entities engaged to monopolize health care markets in seven counties in western North Carolina.

Copelof has previously been outspoken about the level of care Transylvania County residents have received under HCA management at Transylvania Regional Hospital and advocates for the hospital to be sold back to the community or another change of ownership.

“Our local hospital in Transylvania County has also been negatively impacted by HCA’s ownership and the ability of our residents to receive quality care locally has been greatly diminished,” Copelof said in a news release from Reclaim Healthcare WNC listing her as one of nine co-founders of the organization. “We formed Reclaim Healthcare WNC in an effort to replace profit-driven HCA with a mission-driven, nonprofit owner that is prepared and committed to meeting the healthcare needs of the people of western North Carolina.”

Reclaim Healthcare WNC is currently seeking support for its efforts in hopes of raising $100,000 via a online gofundme fundraising site. Additional information about the organization and its leadership is available at


Opinion: Reclaiming our right to quality health care: Introducing Reclaim Healthcare WNC


Opinion: Physician reflects on sense of shared loss after HCA bought Mission Hospital